Holidays are always something beautiful – again this Easter…
But after a lot of good food, a little hike was just right.
Inspired by an article about wild tulips in Gau Odernheim, we took a look at the area on a map.
The result was this beautiful hike:
About 15 km
approx. 4h
Since we started quite spontaneously, we didn’t have any batteries for the GPS with us and therefore there is no GPS download.
But next time!
Starting point is at the sports center in Gau Odernheim, opposite a nice playground there is a parking lot.
Just leave the sports center on the right side and follow the way out of the village.
Next you turn left and follow the path up to the Petersberg.
The turnoff is the last one before the sign to the nature park, with the wild tulips (you can see this further ahead on the path on the right)

Follow this path and keep going up the slope.
At the remains of these walls, the path becomes very narrow, more like a trail – leave it to the left and keep going up!

At the top, you can enjoy the magnificent view of Gau Odernheim and Bechtolsheim.

At the top of the hill you go down the path on the left, which soon turns into a paved field road.
Note: At the sign with the scallop – keep right – down the hill!

Now follow the road to Bechtolsheim – just before the village keep right.
In the village take the first street on the left, Petersbergstrasse.
Go through the residential area, always following the street.
At the end, if only right or left is possible, turn right towards the centre of the village.

Shortly afterwards, you arrive at the Goose Fountain, which was nicely decorated for Easter and the little water feature was a welcomed cool down for Lucy 🙂
At the fountain you turn right into the street and walk along it – past the church and the town hall.

Almost at the end of the village you will come to a fork with a cross, at this fork keep left (Weinolsheimer Strasse) – follow the Selztal cycle path.
As soon as you have left the village behind you, you will see the Petersberg again on the right.

Now we walk along the Selztalweg for quite a while.
First the Schanzenmühle is passed.

After some time there is another former mill on the left, but you can hardly see it behind all the bushes and trees.
Here is the following sign

Here again – always further along the path.
Only a few 100 meters further, the Selztal cycle path makes a 90° bend to the left.
ATTENTION: Exactly in this bend there is an earth path on the right side up the hill – you have to take it!

Follow Lucy up the hill!
On the other side of the hill, continue on the road to Dolgesheim.

This is Weedenstrasse – follow it until you reach the T-junction.
Turn right into Gaustrasse and follow this road through Dolgesheim.
The road winds through the village, the town hall remains on the right.

At an intersection (behind the travel agency), Gaustrasse turns left – turn left here too!
If you see this colourful house, you are in the right place!

Now follow the road until a signpost shows a dirt bike path to the right in the direction of Gau Odernheim.
Follow the sign to the right into Gau-Odernheimer Strasse!
Now follow the concrete road, past the Haupt winery – always following the road.

As you can see in the picture, the concrete road makes a slight bend to the right at the “walking sign” – here take the earth path straight ahead.
On this high trail you have a wonderful panoramic view!

Keep following the path.
Continue straight on at this crossing – Gau Odernheim is already in sight at the bottom left!

Now you go down the slope until the vineyard tower on the Lieberg is crossed to the right.
At this pillar the path turns right.

Follow this field path – also down again on the other side.
Here on the picture you can already see the turn-off (down left to the concrete road).

On the Lieberg is the only location of the wild tulips in large numbers in the whole of Germany… and we were lucky!

As I said before, turn left onto the concrete path and follow it further and further – with Gau Odernheim in view – you will soon reach the parking lot again!

Hope you enjoy the hike and please let me know if there were any problems with the description!