Photography, wine and travel
 my passions

When do you forget time and space and immerse yourself completely in the moment?

For me, this happens when I pick up my camera!

I forget everything around me and capture the moment by photographically implementing my own impressions and moods.

Learn more about my abstract art photography!

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” The fact that a technically flawed photograph (in the conventional sense) can be more emotionally effective than a technically flawless image will come as a shock to those naïve enough to believe that technical perfection is the true value of a photograph. “
– Andreas Feininger – 
visit my photographic art

What can you discover here?

Abstract Photography
Wine Events

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... and who is MRK?

What are your passions? 

Is there something you burn for?
I have some and – yes – I burn for …

Back on exhibition at 16th of March at “JAoderWEIN” in Mainz.
Register for free for the opening!

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If I am on the road and have no access to the internet, please be patient …
… otherwise I will get back to you very quickly. I promise!