Last night was the first time that I managed to take part in an event hosted by the Jazzclub Rhinehessen. We all were guests at the Anhäuser Mill in Monsheim and it was a delightful evening!
Here I would like to make the remark – dear Winery Roß, the lack of forks and spoons, which would be needed to eat the Spundekäs without pretzels, did not bother anyone – except for that one woman, who seemed rather deeply upset about such a small inconvenience,
When there is fine wine, great weather, and, first and foremost, excellent music to enjoy, no one has the time to ruin one´s night over such a trifle.

May I introduce – Swing-O-Mania from the Palatinate
The clarinet and the saxophone played by Michael Tropf, the guitar by Frank Markus, the contrabass by Hans-Joachim Grieb, paired with the singer and percussionist Claudia Albrecht make up the core elements. This composition opens up lots of possibilities and sound varieties for the musicians and audience alike. As special guest they were accompanied by the star trumpeter Ralph ’Mosch’ Himmler.
And because pictures paint a thousand words – here are some impressions:
One of the highlights were definitely the vamps between guitar and clarinet – just like the ball in a ping-pong match …

… they kept switching between each other. Superb!

Thank you very much to the organizers Anhäuser Mill and Jazzclub Rhinehessen – but a special thanks goes of course to Swing-O-Mania themselves with their special guest – see you next time!
… before I forget …
We would like to wish Michael Tropf, Claudia Albrecht and Ralph ’Mosch’ Himmler a great Korea Tour – they already left on the same evening. Have a safe flight!