Winter Wonderland in Rhinehessen


As the sun broke through this morning I knew:
A stroll through the wintry Rhinehessen was just waiting to happen.

After the snowfall of yesterday this was an opportunity I could not pass on.
So once around Zornheim – why longing for the distance …

The pictures speak for themselves!

Before we could even really get going Lucy was already covered in snow.

From the northern end of Zornheim we ventured into the high plain towards Ebersheim …

… down the hill and through the vineyards in the direction of Harxheim …

… along the edge of the grove and back towards Zornheim …

… on pristine paths we nearly sunk in knee-deep …

… crossed the street leading to Mommenheim …

… someone had a lot of fun there …

… through the Kinsbach Park …

… past the Zornheimer Weinstube …

… back home!

It was a marvellous walk all the way around Zornheim – I hope you too had the opportunity to spend some time outside in the snow!