The Third Vinocamp Rheinhessen in Stadecken-Elsheim and Essenheim


…and how lucky we were with the weather…!

Also at the third edition of the regional Vinocamp in Rheinhessen the weather god was on our side for all days. After the long and cold dry season, we all enjoyed it very much and even moved a few sessions outside … but let’s better take it one by one 🙂

This year the main partner on site was Timo from Weingut Eppelmann, who had already been actively involved in the first Vinocamp Rheinhessen and soon suggested that we could organize a Vinocamp in Stadecken-Elsheim. Such suggestions are always dangerous, because I don’t need to be told twice!

He decided to bring Stefan from the Braunewell winery on board and so the two destinations were quickly decided.
Again, I couldn’t complain from the side of the sponsors – they all remained loyal to us and I was even able to win new supporters.
The big thank you comes at the end – once again!

Friday evening meet-up

So we all met early Friday evening at Timo’s winery and it was very nice to see that new faces appeared in the group besides some known ones. Even Mr. Eckes did not miss the chance to come by.

No unnecessary chatting – wine glass in hand, a small glass to start with and off we went with Stefan towards the Selztal-Terroir-Route. It was wonderful – always new views and far-reaching views of the beautiful Rhinehessian hilly landscape and, of course, the right wine could not be missing.

Having reached the highest point, Andreas from the Wagner Winery took over our group. After a short rest from the ascent, we went straight on, nicely downhill, through the Essenheimer district to the Domherrenhof (cadastral). Stefan had “collected” wines from various winegrowers and so we were able to get a first overview of the Rhinehessian variety while enjoying a delicious meal.

Spontaneously, as always, everyone found their way back to Stadecken-Elsheim … the last group on foot … which took a little longer than planned, but turned out to be a wonderful night walk.

Saturday at Vinocamp Rheinhessen 2018

Punctually at 09:00 the next morning we started into the third Vinocamp Rheinhessen. The composition of the participants was reflected in their diversity in the topics. Everyone present contributed in their own way, with home-made cakes and pastries, with offering a session or even with lively discussions – my dear participants – you were great again!

 In keeping up with the theme “WEIN.Erlebnis.Region” (Wine.Experience.Region), there were also sessions on Saturday focusing on Rheinhessen, the region and tourism.
But also were were not running short on various tastings.  Detailed posts on the sessions “Liebfrauenmilch” and “Orange-Natur-Wein” and PetNat will follow.
But already at this point we would like to thank all the winegrowers, who have supported us again this year in a wonderful and abundant way.

What were the sessions on Saturday?

  • Tourism in Rheinhessen
  • Terroir
  • Organic sustainability in viticulture
  • Rheinhessen in the Rhine-Main region
  • Crowdfunding
  • Liebfrauenmilch
  • Non-alcoholic wine
  • Sweet wines
  • Filtration (Bachelor Project)
  • Wine in Gastro
  • Pet-Nat and natural wine
  • Project of the University of Applied Sciences Oppenheim “Infinity
    Orange wine
  • Cheese & Wine

Speed Dating with the Rheinhessen Wintners

Speed dating was a great success again in the truest sense of the word.
Short and concise in 3-4 minutes – that’s when the question came up:
“HOW MANY wines have I tasted now? Wow – I had never done that before! Exciting!”

Saturday night – Dinner and Glass Session

The castle barn was a wonderful location during the day on Saturday – but in the evening we changed to Timo. The buffet was a feast for the eyes, both the tender ox cheeks of Christian, as well as the tasty delicacies that the participants had contributed – the water ran down everyone’s mouth.
After dinner, the glass sommelier Yvonne Heistermann encouraged us to try different glasses with different wines at home. So we poured and tried “come hell or high water” and found out
… it’s all a matter of taste 🙂
There were also majorities in the queries, but the most important thing is and remains that each person likes it – and we all realized that
… A good glass does make a difference – and there is the right one for everyone!

Sunday at Vinocamp Rheinhessen 2018

So I praise my participants – the next morning there was already the first “extra session” before the official start – once again the filtration samples were conscientiously tasted, classified and evaluated by Linus.

Then we continued with our open-air sessions at and around the Stadecker Warte.

  • What is so special about the Hiwweltouren
  • Wine pricing policy
  • Vision of a bar at the tower – as an example of a tourist offer
  • Vertical wine tasting from the Hedesheimer Hof winery

As always, it was animated and also controversially discussed … you now know the one or other argument why your own idea might not always be so easy to realize 😉

Back at Roland’s winery Posthof Doll & Göth we took a seat in the wonderful mediterranean courtyard for the final session and took stock.

It was again interesting to see how much all “new Vinocampers” were surprised how and that the format works with its spontaneity.

The mix – wine connoisseurs of all levels at eye level – also proved its worth and everyone could take home interesting news.
I especially liked the statements of some of the external participants that they were able to get to know Rheinhessen as a wine region in an incredibly intensive, hospitable and almost familiar way.
Beautiful – that’s how it should be!

Those who haven’t been there may not have noticed it yet, but the next Vinocamp Rheinhessen will not take place until 2020.
But we already know where 🙂
Look forward with us to the Winzerkeller in Ingelheim – and which winemakers will be participating – we will be surprised!

See you soon hopefully and stay true to us!

Conclusion and Thanks to the Sponsors:

My participants were again SUPER

Without the generous support of the sponsors nothing would be possible – it is the ah and oh of such a non-profit event.


  • Rheinhessenwein – my sponsor of the first hour for the great active support, both in the preparation and in the implementation
  • Rheinhessen Touristik, that you have supported us this year for the first time – the covered wagon trip was a great pleasure for everyone
  • Zwiesel Kristallglas – the glass sessions are always a highlight
  • Staatlich Fachingen Wasser – whoever tastes so many wines also appreciates good water
  • The Caterer (Der Tischdecker) – the ox cheeks were super tender and delicious, without your price concession, such a great meal would not have been possible
  • Kulturfonds Peter E. Eckes – the active commitment to Rheinhessen is known beyond our region – the financial support has been very helpful
  • Kaffeerösterei Müller – how could you manage such an exhausting program without such delicious coffee?)
  • not to forget all the winemakers who supported us in many different ways – without you it would have been quite dry 🙂